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2    5

they want to increase inv. loans
-hnantri says better keep separate + increase inv.
-kaudes also says separate so they really know if they are helping mas. to develop[[circled]]

both [[/strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] low interest + cepat keluar mantri says they complain about inl

*sunat keterangan usaha - 1000 from lurah and 1000 from kamat
laku 3 tuhan
also surat keterangan penililean tanah [[/strikethrough]] tanah [[/strikethrough]]
bukan sengketa (dispute)<— include pawn
every litter 4 pts
pemilikan tanah

a. genteng
b. bakul (tenggok)
c. batu bata

[[right page]]

d. paras (batu [[/strikethrough]] l [[/strikethrough]] padas)

petanian, perdagangan + industri here (3 sectors)

they have never, they say, gotten a request for suami- istri in diff. sectors

[[/strikethrough]] if get, take lebih dominant [[/strikethrough]]
if get kandes says terpaksa
2 loans
1 person can borrow 2 sectors,
they say, but only 1 listed
in forms 72 + 72
72 [[strikethrough]] 9 [[/strikethrough]] 7 all industri, cumulative 
± 600 of this genteng in 2
± 70 desa bakul in 2 [[banjas?]]
± 50 " 3 desa batu bata +
no other imp. industries
no instructions to emph. a
certain sector