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3 local @ 3x4M
husband helps
sawah 1.415 hectare
6 ton per panen
laba 800,000
3x panen
onset sapi 2.250 per tahun
laba 525,000 per tahun

#24 pet expl
[[strikethrough]] pe [[/strikethrough]]
pengemukan sapi
600,000, 18 x angoura
1. 3 ekor @ 225,000
2. angkut 30,000
3. 75,000 obatan
1 local, 3 x 4
sawah 29 are
1 1/2 ton = 300,000
2x panen
[[strikethrough]] need 1 ton beras = 900k beras[[/strikethrough]]

(next page)

[[circled]] 900k beras (almost 1 ton) = 1 1/2 ton for a family of 5 if save [[/circled]]
onset 1.2 juta sapi
laba 320,000 per tahun
tegal kelapa 1 hectare, 800
butir per bulan x 125 per butir
= 100,000 rp per bulan
ambil kelapa sendiri
1 pohon kelapa gives 7-10 butir a mo
100 pohon per hectare, jarak 10x10
[[strikethrough]] lasts 7- [[/strikethrough]]
start producing at 7 years, lasts 100 years

#25 petanian expl
pengemukan sapi
600,000/ [[strikethrough]]0 3 [[/strikethrough]]
2x6 bulan
1. 3x225,000 @