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2. from Baum. A Tale from Bali 

in A Tale from Bali 4 men meet before a cockfight in Tabanan; one (Pak) is a farmer from Badung, one a 'middle-aged man', one an 'old man', and one a blacksmith from Banjar Pande in Klungkung

p. 248 
"Do you come from Kloenkoeng, friend?", Pak asked. 
"Yes, from Kloenkoeng. And you?" the tall man replied.
"I come from Tanan Sari on the coast of Badoeng," Pak said. 
"What is your caste?" the middle-aged man asked. It was the usual question between strangers. 
"I am of no caste and the lord has given me some sawahs," Pak said humbly.
"And you?" the old man asked of the tall one.
"I am a smith from Pandjar Pande," he replied
"Has the master-smith come for the cockfighting too?", Pak asked much more politely, for the guild of smiths enjoyed the highest esteem. Their daughters might not marry with any higher caste, but only anothe rsmith - so proud were they.
"Yes," the smith said. "I have brought two cocks and I mean to let them fight. And you?"

later Pak meets the smith again

p. 252-3
The first man to greet Pak was the smith. Pak saw at once that he had been wrong in taking the tall man for a thief. The smith was gorgeously dressed and wore a magnificent kris such as only a man of the guild of smiths, whose privilege it had been for centuries of manufacture the sacred weapon, could possess. The smith was shown great honour by all. His uncle, a grey haired man with the large, bold eyes of a noble, appeared to be a man of importance in Tabanan. Pak felt it was an honour when the smith beckoned to him to take his place beside him. 

3. from Covarrubias. The Island of Bali

p. 198-204 
Balinese make the following types of metal items: 
1. iron agricultural implements
2. cast brase items, including parts of musical instruments, accessories of priets (bells, incense burners, lamps, tripods, and so forth) 
3. extravagant gold and silver platters (lelantjang)
4. water bottles (kendih) and vases (sangku and batik) 
5. knives and scissors for cutting betel-nut (tjaket) of wrought iron inlaid in silver
6. rich and elaborate rings, bracelets, ear-plugs, and flowers for the hair in hammered and chiselled gold set with rubies and star saphires 
7. kris