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temple for ancestor veneration for the Princes of Gelgel and later for the princes of Klungkung as well; it remains today perhaps the most important temple in Bali, and it clearly links the sacred mountain, which is the focus of worship itself, the ancestors and the smiths

(note: O'Connor identifies mountain cults of this period with Tantrism)

5. from [[underlined]] O'Connor, "Metallurgy and Immortality at Candi Sukuh" [/underlined]]

p. 54: in hist study of the genealogical charter of the smiths on Bali, Goris notes that they draw their powers from the god of fire 
this god apparently existed prior to the introduction of Hinduism in Bali, for, according to the smiths, they provided the Brahmins with all their wisdom and knowledge
the smiths prepare their own holy water instead of using that prepared by the Brahmins
in fact, they are not allowed to employ Brahmins for any ritual purpose
significantly, the smiths' charter lays considerable emphasis on mantra (sacred formulas) to be used both in forging and for the ritual of the sea
similarly, Hooykaas encountered on Bali a myth that the iron smith Mpu Gandring was granted the power to deliver "his forefather's spirits"
p. 55: the 19th century Balinese dynastic chronicle, the [[highlighted]] Babad Buleleng, [/highlighted]] provides perhaps the most penetrating insight into the symbolic importance of metallurgy 
in it we see kingship both legitimated and empowered by the possession of a kris that serves as the palladium of the kingdom; the weapon is described as [[circled]] passupati-astra [/circled]], a reference to a flaming arrow given by Siva to the here Arjuna to make him invincible
it is also referred to as the "essence of power"
finally, both the royal chaplain [[highlighted]](purohita)[/highlighted]], and the son who succeeds him in that strategic office, are described as skilled in the manufacture of swords and kris

6. from [[underlined]]Eka Des Rudra [/underlined]]
in the complex of temples at Pura Besakih, the smiths temple, called Pura Ratu Pande, is located to the left rear of the main Pura Panataran Argung
both Batur and Agung are lived volcanoes, Agung erupting most recently in 19663
summits of the mountains sacred; the abodes of both gods and ancestors 
importance of the pura correlates with height of the mountain, Agung being the tallest on Bali at 10,309 feet (3142 meters) 
traditional linear texts often call Agung by the name To Lankir; 
To means man and lankier means highest or uppermost, so implies it was the dwelling place of a mighty spirit or ancestor, Hyang To