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he does not belong to main line of decent, therefore, and connot be the successor of his father, Sagening
in fact, his father gives him to a trusted advisor of the Jarantik clan
when hi is born, a great light or shining flame coming out from his fontanel, indicating his magical power (sakti) and destiny to become a ruler
because of his extraordinary qualities, there is jealousy of him at court, and he is sent away at the age of twelve with his natural mother to her village in the north of Bali where he founds a branch of the Jarantik clan
when sent away given two servants, Ki Dumpyun and Ki Dosot, and two magical weapons, Ki Semang (a keris) and Ki Pangkajatatwa (a a club)
character of servants remains undefined
kris and club are pusaka which become part of his regalia (upacara)
is also given 40 guards to accompany him; Kris comes to him in an odd manner, as one left over from the Kris distributed to his guards, even after repeated counting
increases sense of foreboding among members of Gelgel court
during this important journey, several significant incidents
first, when Panji Sakti is thiry, he buries the end of his club in the ground and mysterious pool of water comes forth
second he is taken up into the sky by a very tall man, Ki Panji Landun, who grants him the right to rule in the directions he looks
fails to look south, however, because worried about his mother crying below
welcomed in mother's home village
Panji Sakti's Kris kills the then ruler of his mothers village, who wishes him ill
Panji Sakti's purohitas (court priests?) are descended from Nirartha, 1st of the pedanda to have come from Java to Bali both are said to be blacksmiths who are quite skilled in the manufacture of swords, descended from Nirartha


1. Q - reference dissertation on Pande clan? (they don't have)

2. what is best translation of pamor: hammer welding or mixed metal forging or pattern welding? (either of first two)

3. Q - Who is the crippled smith of E. Java legend: is Semar ever portrayed as a cripple? What is connection of Semar and smithing?
A - Menak Jinggo is the crippled smith of East Java (reference?)

4. Q - is pattern Islamic (Middle Eastern) in origin (take article on Islamic swords) - 13th century reliefs on Candi Pantaran in East Java which show krises
5. Q - Covarrubius refers to pamor as 'watered patterns', moire-