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he has used a rotary ubub since 1983
uses two terms for ubub, "pompa" and "penglambusan"
only one of the smiths in Delod Pangkung still use the traditional Malay bellows
Pande Cekeg uses arang kayu (wood charcoal) made from cemara and kopi trees
he can also use bamboo charcoal
sometimes he makes is own bamboo charcoal in another area of his houseyard if he has time; it takes half a day to make
he never uses coconut shell charcoal
(follows the following notes which unclear: "market doesn't vary; also small amounts to individuals")
uses per, play and rel as raw materials, which he buys from Toko Gloria, an iron scrapyard in Denpasar
if he buys arang, he pays 400 Rp per kilo now; the cheapest arang is from coffee trees ((probably from culling plantations)) which he gets for 300 Rp
he says he doesn't have any other source of income and his wife doesn't work
he only works on order and he says the other smiths in Delod Pangkung the same; none sell to pasars
he uses Pura Desa Sukawati (the main village temple) and Pura Batur, a pande temple located just 300 meters east of his house; the wall of Pura Batur abutts the wall of Pura Desa Sukawati, but different entrances
are pusaka ((probably old keris)) kept at Pura Batur, but they are seldom taken out and his son (an apparently well-educated young man) doesn't know what they are
can also worskip at Pura Batur in Kintamani, at Pura Ganda Mayu in Klungkung and at Pura Ratu Pande (part of the Besakih complex) 
of these, he says Ganda Mayu the most important; go to Ganda Mayu 50 days before Galungan
is a pemangku (temple priest) at Ganda Mayu
he doesn't know about Mpu Santa Budhi
says some pandes receive tirta from the pedanda, some from an empu 
a special upacara for pandes 42 days before Galungan (Tumpek Landep), always on a Saturday
all of the tumpek are on Saturday; they include T. Kandang for ternak, T. Waringga for tanaman, T. Wayang for wayang kulit, T. Kuningan ((question: does Kuningan have anything to do with the metal kuningan?))
-Pande Cekeg uses white, not red offerings for T. Landep
he says he can make kris, but does not
he uses up 1 kikir a month, costing 3000 Rp for a large one and 2000 for a small
the horn-shaped tool he uses to hold the tool being filed is made of wood

9. from interview with Pande Mangku Tapa, blacksmith from Sukawati

(accompanied by Pak Nyoman from BRI Unit Desa Sukawati)
Pande Mangku Tapa also lives in Banjar Delod Pangkung and he is the father-in-law of Pande Cekeg (above)
he serves as a mangku or religious official at Pura Pande Batur, the smith's temple in the village (see above)
he says there are 18 smithing households in the village