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has raised 1 a yr. for many
formerly bought 10,000 +
sold 75,000
a. sepeda, 1 yr. old,
bebas, 50,000
e. 1 radio
h. elect, 1988, 130,000
paid 1x
2000-2500 per mo
i. water from well used by 6
old well
l. 1 jam, 1989, 10,000 Rp
m. 1 lemari, lama
n. 1 set bamboo, 35,000 Rp, 4
days ago
o. 3 beds, lama
5x5 in the house, 3 kanar,
also a balai
brick walls, unbaked, with
wooden posts, genteng roof
bloonstile + brick