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till 10 or 11 at night
sister-in-law helps her in warung
5 x 3 M^2

S.I.I. - up at 6:00, goes to pasar for other shopping at 6 - to warung at 8 - till 8:00 PM
6 - 10 or 11 at night helps 

child helps from [[strikethrough]] 2:00 [[/strikethrough]] 
1:00 - 2:00 in warung & then goes to carry batu padas from kali till 5:00 
evening studies

has had warung since 8-9 years ago 

she usually buys about 10,000 worth & sister-in-law 40,000 worth

in 1985. 25000-40,000 a day shopping