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12 mo. sec. services
9 mo. data clerk

budget 400,000 to DAI
135,000-150,000 to [[Indor?]]. (they hire sec + data clerk)

DAI should keep control of budget for domestic tickets, car rental, per diem travel, etc. 

car 12 mo. rental, + 3000 for [[tatris?]]; formerly asked for 6 mo. rental
car housed at my home

Mei Ling:
wants WSC [[extra letter]] to go thru [[through]] Dikti (?)
PKK is under BKK

technical aspects

structural - Mei Ling - who relates to who - money flows - most effective way to get things done
init. assessment - ginnie

ILO WID rpt. 

Melati is Titi's consulting firm - eval impact leadership training program P2W
Mentri has no money
largest portion of budget thru [[through]] PKK
regions don't get PKUW funds

every dept has P2W funds
PKK under Dept Dalen Negeri

Titi Sumbung:
3 days a wk. starting in Aug. 

[[underlined]]Bruce for workshop [[/underlined]]