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PS Hope baby is well & singing her little songs to you all I wish I could hear them, too cunning for anything. little witch. Ralph was here the other night but Maud didnt come with him, he talked bank business with Pa.

Stoughton  March 4th 1931

Dear Doris.

We are in the midst of a driving snow storm, with the wind to the NW & blowing a gale, all through the night it raiged [[raged]] & it bids fair to continue through the day, with three inches of snow underfoot. Pa says if it continues, I shant come home to dinner so it will be a dismal day here I guess. This will mean more icy side walks for some time, but it cant last forever & the sun if we ever see it again, will melt it away in short order. I went down to see Mort & Anna Monday they were enjoying their warm house & think oil is the stuff to heat houses with, but it costs a thousand dollars to install it, she says they were talking automobile but took the oil heating instead, as they thought that would do them the most good. Pa has been working pretty steadily at the Office, they are getting the books along ready to print. they start on the road soon. Barney is dragging along behind, & dont know from experience a mite better it is terribly aggrevating [[aggravating]] to have him bothering 

Transcription Notes:
The PS section appears to have been added in the heading of the March 4th 1931 letter so I started the transcription accordingly