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Stoughton Dec 3rd 1930
Dear Doris,
Another cold morning 10 degrees above but there is no wind to blow it in to the houses & its sunny. our water caught up stairs yesterday but we soon had it running & Pa turned it off. we are anxious to hear from Lena to see if she has found any place yet. I dont think she will stay with Miss Garland a minute longer than she is obliged to, I guess it has reached its limit, as far as Lena is conserned, she will do better to get away as they are too positive & its a wonder they have remained with each other so long as they have. I called up Maude yesterday to find out about Low's wife woho is very seriously ill, so the paper said, & she told about little Ralphs folk he is going with, "the nicest people she ever saw in her life." They treated them so nice & she says the young man, her brother, had the gentlest face she ever saw. she is coming over to tell me all about the visit & she hopes they will have a dozen children & she will