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enjoy every blessed one. poor Maude I guess she is baby hungry, as they tell about. Pa called up Percy Sunday to see if he was coming around with his five dollar Masonic insurance, monday was the time Pa sends it in to Boston, but he has not shown up, so I guess he must be hard up. Myrtie is still on her vacation up home to Mildreds. I should think she would like to earn all she can, while the going is good. We are still eating turkey, I cut the meat off the bones yesterday, & cooked it up & I have just hauled a pan of biscuits out the oven, to go with the meat for dinner. we like the fricassee about as well as we do the other, as it seems a new dish alltogether. did the baby get any of the meat this thanksgiving or pudding? ours was not quite as sweet as common, so they enjoyed it better, I did not put in as much molasses. Maude said Ralph came home last Sunday, but not there on thanks giving but they had their big turkey just the same. Time to get on the dinner to warm, I made two apple pies this morning. I am very busy these times sewing, its growing a little warmer Ma