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Lena has got pretty sick of living with Miss Garland. & thinks of making a change before long pretty strained relations its been for some time.  We pity her she is good hearted & wish she could get into the right nitch.  She is correcting her batch of papers. & seems to enjoy it.  she was out to Jimmies over the week end.  it seems she Jimmie has come into some money through some of her family. her father I guess.  Lena was reading your letters where it spoke about Xmas presents, she says, a box of writing paper, a nail file, with a stiff handle, & a thimble, she is in need of any one of these she'd like, I have given her the thimble.  The other day Irvin Warrens widow came to Pa & said she had let herself to go out to do the house work for Joe Capens family.  she wanted to go down to your place but Pa said it was too late, you had got some one.  I hope little Betty gets enough to eat these days. & we are glad she feels like eating.  I should give her apples before long to eat we are having it cold again, Ma.