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Stoughton October 15th 1930

Dear Doris,

We got your cards & were glad to hear you arrived safely. Yesterday noon we sent "Goggie", & the little teapot, which I found in the middle of the front lawn, close to the flower bed, I think the socks you may find among your things as I have hunted the house throu here & havent got onto any. Pa is sending on the tent this morning, if they come for it, as they forgot to call for it yesterday morning. We are having our first down pour it began sometime last night, the ground stands in puddles where its so dry, that it doesnt soak in & its coming into the cellar also but we are glad for the blessed rain. The fires must be stopped by now sure. We have had a week of very warm sunny weather, but after this I guess there will be a sudden change. I hope you get your water soon, the little one will soon forget me. poor little thing. I feel that she will be in good care & hope you will keep her