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knocked on the glass door, & who should it be, but Ruth Walker, she & the two little girls had rode over with her husbands father, mother, & sister on their way up to Lauries green house & Pa directed them how to get there. she wants to see you when you come home on your vacation, sure her two little ones have grown & are very cute looking she is growing fleshy also & looks happy. I wonder if it is going to be cold all summer, the mosquitoes are here though. Winnie Rose brought me home with my bag of groceries again. I was only too glad of the ride it helps a lot. Miles Standish leg is still in plaster cast. Jim is worried about it & is afraid he is going to alwas be troubled with it, he suffers no pain, but that may not be a good sign he says. Our Robins are gone from their nest they are big enough to fly & are in the trees & bushes out back of the house. we havent seen the crow around the cat birds nest since George tickled him with shot. Ma