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Stoughton April 16th 1930

Dear Doris.

We are having cool days since Monday which day was too warm for the season of the year our forcythias are in full bloom this week. my jonquills & daffodills are looking fine full of buds & blossoms. I like them. Mrs Burns thought they looked cheap & so dug hers up, tastes differ, I was busy all day Monday arrainging [[arranging]] my flower garden & raking the leaves away from back of the house & yesterday felt lame from the effects of it but am over it today & ready for more of the same. my zinnia seeds came up in two days. the marygolds [[marigolds]] are growing but the tomatoes are a fale [[fail]] as Pa got the richest dirt & thats the trouble, he tried to lay it to me, but I put him down strong for once & he feels convinced its so. We are sure of having the Ballentines for neighbors as soon as they can put up their big brick

PS We still have cool days, but our heater is not run, I am having my range do the heating. when the sun shines its warm enough too. I wish we had a fire place, wouldnt it seem nice. Ma