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PS Glad the bundle came through whole I will make some more nighties if those fit. the little dress will be nice for hot weather if it ever comes such we got rain Sunday night & a gale of wind with it. a wild old night here. broke branches off of the trees. blew our conductor pipe down but no great damage I think 
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Stoughton April 9th 1930

Dear Doris

All day long the black clouds were going over & to day the temperature is just freezing. out side clothes on the line freeze. but I see by the last nights paper, warmer weather is predicted for to day. I am sitting here by the warm kitchen fire as the rest of the house is cold. no fire in the heater. that last ton of coal went too fast, so I feel like saving in hopes this spell will be the last really freeze we get. Pa is out on the road this windy disagreeable weather. he traveles [[travels]] miles each day. yesterday they cleaned up North Stoughton. but to day he was wondering where they would

Transcription Notes:
& used in place of written "and" symbol