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PS 8° above the coldest morning Pleasant

Stoughton February 24th/80 1938

Dear Doris

This has been a chilly cloudy day with occasional snow flurries but now it has grown warmer & the sun is shining out bright once more. I went down town about noon to pay some Oil & my coal bill & then came around by Maudes home. she took me over the ruins & showed me their little room on back, full, of windows where their toilet used to be originally, so they will get that room extra, then Ralph took them she & Margret & they departed down town for their dinner. I came home & on my way met Charles Welch who gave me some of his trash to give Pa a little picture of Washington in an envelope. I have felt chilly ever since I got home, so have stuck my feet in the oven & warmed my self up. I am going to have an oyster stew for my supper. I had some baked  fish stuffed for dinner. about. 1 lb worth & it tasted pretty good