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Stoughton Feb 24th 1982

Dear Doris

This is a cold day very windy but sunny we are keeping quite comfortable waiting for the wind to go down before night. I emptied my ashes this morning & it give me a chance to get a little breath of ozone, as I had not been out much lately it did seem good. Our snow has about all left except for a few patches here & there. but no ice & hope there will be no more snow this year.

This cold spell will enable them to harvest a good share of ice, which up to now, they have been unable to see much chance of getting.

I have written to Lina this afternoon, & that is about the extent of my ambition. I did not sleep very well. Pa was wakeful & uneasy & I had no chance to get in a nap after dinner. he came down stairs three times after I got drowsy, so I found it no use to get my nap & came down myself. he is always nervous when the wind blows.