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for the ironing board was all burnt up & it started in the kitchen. if Ralph makes as much on that fire from his insurance, as he did on his fathers, he wont need to work for the next couple of years to come, trust him for looking out for number one. Maude said that Pa’s prophesy [[prophecy]] was not all wrong about their fire, he knew more than they did, after all. I like my brown dress I have about finished & it looks well on me.

Mr Wade has just brought me a few kindlings so he came in expecting to see Pa I suppose & Pa went up stairs & hid up as he saw him coming & when any body comes he does the same. Irma sung out good bye to him as she went away & he answered her, he dont want any one to come see him now he is no company for any one and knows it. he has lost all interest in outside things going on around him. & wants to brood & worry about whats going to happen next. Wed morning it is cloudy this morning red in the east another snow storm predicted. 
