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Stoughton Feb 12th 1932 

Dear Doris

Thursday it has been a stormy day the trees have been covered with ice most of the day but it has grown warmer & the rain & fog have melted away the ice & some of the snow also there is plenty left & hope it may disoppear [[disappear]] befor [[before]] morning.

I have been sewing all day my bed quilt is most all set together. do you remember your old green skirt trimmed with a crossway fold bound with white. well it was good strong material & I have cut that up in strifes to sash it with & it was just what I needed & it looks good & sets off the squares there is a good deal of green in the pieces & it blends well with the patch work. I have not decided on the lining yet, some inexpensive cloth I can get down town, if the going even gets decent so I dare get there.

Pa is very quiet days now he wants to be alone in the dark. he was so still this forenoon I was wondering where he went + opend the hall door + there