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cant afford to do much more for them. I wish they had children, then they could be looked out for possibly. I think others might help a little, but possible they dont know their circumstances & think they have money.

Saturday morning. The weather has changed it is cloudy & warmer this snow makes me feel depressed, the children are taking advantage of the coasting; they were at it till late in the evening. Pa is scurrying around doing something out in the kitchen. he slept well last night also, but I did not make him take his oil he was too cray headed & I thought it would bother him too much he had several operations yesterday, so perhaps he dont need to have as much every day, I have not given him anay laxative for two days now.  People are shoveling out their door yards so they can get their cars out & those who have them out day & night & also shoveling to find them this big snow storm has excused much expense to get broken out over town & I hope it may be the last this season. 

I suppose down there the birds are building their nests & flowers are all in bloom. but we will not complain if we do go slower. New England for me every time I love the place where I was born its where I want to live & die, hope you are well.