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I am going to get my dinner beef soup spinnage [[spinach]] & apple pie with rice pudding in the oven but it wont get done for dinner. Pa is pretty cranky he wont eat dinner and what are you cooking so much for, I wont eat any of it and you cant make me. he hates his salts so whats the use I wont bother much whether he does or does not take it. 

The day has been cloudy & not much sun since morning and now the sun is again peeping out it is growing chilly & I would not wonder if we had some more snow just as we are beginning to have good going again.

I did not get any letter from Lena last week & she might be sick. dont you go out nights take care of your self for you need all the sleep you can get from your work & the baby’s wakefulness.

I guess Maude & Ralph may come later but Pa does not enjoy company any now days. Pa is anxious to read this letter so I will seal it as soon as possible so he dont read it.
