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Stoughton Jan 13th 1932

Dear Doris

It has been a south rain all night long & has taken the snow about all of except for a few patches here & there. I wouldnt believe it possible. yesterday was cloudy except for a little sun in the morning. I hope to some sun to day it is very warm the heater is not on & but little fire in the kitchen range. it probably will clear off cold. we have had all kinds of weather since Saturday night. Jim Capen came over yesterday. he said that his kidneys were bothering him some his color is bad. you knew that Miles Standish ankle broke, so now he gets around in a wheele chair with his ankle in a cast. Jim runs their furnace I think they have steam. I have taken advantage of this mild weather to wash up the back rooms the floors were tracked up with ashes from putting it onto the slippery back steps I have begun another braided rug much to Pa's disapproval I had a lot left over from that other one & some rags of my own enough for one more rug I like to do them.