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Stoughton Jan 7th 1932

Dear Doris

A very stormy day but paper says colder tomorrow. I have been busy on the rug most all day. It is most finished, large enough now I think.

Pa is calming down after a very fussy day, worn out at last & in the kitchen trying to rest I hope he will sleep to night.

I am glad to have it warm for it got rid of all the snow & ice so now the streets are safer for travel. They sanded the principal streets pretty well & I did not hear of any accidents but Ralph said Sunday when he was here one had to go careful around corners. He & Maud went down to Nantasket last week to see the waves come in during that last big storm. They said it was a great sight the waves were going over the stone embankment & looked pretty wild & scary & Situate beach was a sight worth going to see with such big giant waves breaking on the rocky ledge of rocks.