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Stoughton Dec 16th 1931

Dear Doris

The sun is trying to shine out but its mostly cloudy & warm. I am trying to write the letter undisturbed Pa is on the war path with his [[underline]] old bugbears [[/underline]] he begun bright & early at four O'clock after a pretty fair night. I went down town yesterday afternoon. I most froze as it was a chilly feeling day & not very cold either. I got two letters from you yesterday & two Monday. I should think you were pretty fortunate to have found your pocket book.

I got a nice letter from Wallace Penniman yesterday. he is very good to write me when he knows that I am in trouble. a kind hearted man. I surely must answer it when I can find the opportunity. George Monk told him in a letter that Pa had retired from business & that I was smart as ever. he heard about Sue's being used up & said he was going to write a letter to her. He retired from the ministry