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Stoughton Dec 12th 1931

Dear Doris

While everything is quiet & Pa is snoozing in his chair in the kitchen, I will begin my letter. 

This is a cool rainy Sunday forenoon. My dinner is keeping warm on the stove & I am hungry my morning meal doesnt amount to much but dinner is what I am in a hurry for usually. does the the baby eat her meals at the table like other children do? or does someone have to worry her food down first I think by now you must have got her into better habits. she certainly has been hard to bring up so far. 

I hope Mrs Cuttings cold has about dissapeared & Ted does not get one this time although everyone else has had one. 

I finished the night dresses Friday & Pa has got the boxes done up tight & by tomorrow morning they are going to be started if nothing turns up to prevent my going down with them. I am not making any Xmas presents this year or sending out cards.