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I would lock him down & keep him there the rest of the day. he said there you surely have got me this time for fair & so gave it up. see how luny he is, its uncanny the things he says & does. he has lost all interest in things around him & isnt a bit natural. he dont care to see any body or talk any thing but trouble. he slept well last night & eats good. I try to have thing which he likes & agrees with him. I am working now on patch work for another bed quilt. there is one thing about it. I have got to be busy & get interested in something else, as there is no one to talk or speak to in the house & no one to come here these times. I am looking for Ralph & Maude though before the day is gone. it is clouding up now & its looking like snow. it will have to moderate first & guess thats what its going to do. Pa is trying to look at the Sunday Globe, but the reading he doesnt sense much of. isnt it pathetic. if he could only go before he loses all his sense it would be a blessing, & I dont care how quick. for he's no comfort to himself or any one else as he is now is he calming down I will go for my nap good bye Ma