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his wife goes up there with him. Gregory says that Fred comes home. he is home now, but he gets to drinking & then he has to go back again. he says Freds wife has a good head for business. I said that Freds drinking must be an expensive habit if it sends him to Foxboro every time. I don't suppose he can deny himself & she being a drinker makes him worse. poor "boobie" is out of it, isn't it queer how he took up the habit coming from such a pious crowd.

I have not heard a sound from Pa upstairs he must be asleep or interested in something he sometimes looks over those books in Uncle Teds book case. I ask him if he's reading & then he says "trying to". I am only too thankful if theres any thing that takes his mind from trouble.

It is windy clouds scudding across the sky if it were any other time I should say it was going to rain, its very dry how I wish it might my seeds are coming up some of them in spite of dry weather.

Pa is all of a shak [[shake]] today its his nerves. he comes down to eat & get his hands warmed. he cant bear to have me run the water so to wash or anything else its a terrible state to be in I don't kno whow long it will last a terrible atmosphere to be in & know you can't do anything. Ma.