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I tried to get Gregory Coleord on the phone this morning but I guess it was his father who answered. he said Gregory was not home. I wanted him to take off the out side windows + put on the screen doors. but he said he would tell him when he came home.

Our forsythia bushes are going by. the dogwood is coming & clove bush & violets are looking their best. the myrtle under the pine is in full bloom. the quince bush is also blossomed. I am going to give Maude a tiny quince bush that came up where we moved our old bush from. she has always wanted one & a flowering almond. I have one but its also in bloom. she is going to take that also. Maude is good to me & is always bringing one something. I guess you are pretty warm down there to day. Pa is up stairs all day it is hot as an oven there. I have him his bath then tried to have him put on thinner flannels but he wouldn't if he don't roast before night I lose my guess. he don't want any windows open either We have to let him do as he pleases.

I made a deep custard + he has eaten all but about a cup full I have not even tasted of it. I can't get him to eat dandelions he wants sweets. I have not heard from Lena for over a week she must be to Mrs. Andrews probably Bernice is there I hope she gets some of her money. I have managed to put on the front door screen. Pa is mad because I went once to the old place after the ladder, he said I should have found out. I tried to 7 he said he didn't know, but I afterwards found it under the little building Ma