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Stoughton April 27th 1932

Dear Doris

This is a cold snowy feeling day with the wind North West. in spite of the chill I have been working out in the garden raking leaves & transplanting flocks that gets shaded under the grape vine every year. 

I have made a nut cake & now I am baking potatoes & haddock for dinner. I am going down town this afternoon if the rain keeps off its chilly, regular April feeling weather with occional snow flakes. 

Pa is up stairs & then down, fault finding when he does utter a sentence, but mostly mum. he does not know what to do with him self. it is snowing the air full of feathery flakes of snow. a gloomy day both inside and out.

It has turned into a snowy wintery day so I have turned on the heat, rather than to be cold & the snow it’s coming from the west and I guess it means to be nasty the rest of the day.

We have just eaten dinner and pretty soon we will go up to take our noon nap. Pa sleeps an hour when he has’nt [[hasn't]] any thing bothering him. no bonfires to worry over.