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[[Left Margin]PS Another pleasant day I have got my bedding out airing. Pa says "a crazy woman
Ma[Left Margin]]

Stoughton April 19th 1932

Dear Doris

This is a pleasant afternoon & a holiday. I am reading most of the day some books I got down to Alices yesterday.  I can't go away long at a time, so have to keep busy with something to pass away the time.

Pa stays up stairs in the unfinished back room watching out of the window. its warm up there & sightly.  he comes down when he gets hungry.

I have just had a call from Alice. a long distance one ^on the telephone.  it seems that she has got through in Plymouth where she was nursing that old woman & is over to Mattie Serralls & says she will come over to see me in a day or two but not to stay.

I wonder if this day is a holiday down there & if so what are you doing?  I am glad the day was pleasant for as usual it means a great deal to the ones who take part in the marathon race that is taking place at this time.

It seems quiet here, every body is off riding that keeps a car & a great many go to see the race I presume.  holidays are lonesome to have every body going & know we are out of luck & have to stay at home.  we should not care to go if we could but we have to pity ourselves just