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[[po?]] cancer on the liver. was the trouble I heard them call it. never knew what ailed her before no wonder she was yellow  Ma

STOUGHTON, MASS. April 17th 1932

Dear Doris

a driving snow storm is raging this morning. it started in at 7 O'clock. a bad day for the funeral.

Myrtie called me up yesterday to tell me how well they had made her look. they understand their business & have got it well learned. undertaking trade. I like Willard Low.

The Everett people may not come. but some how I rather think they will as they thought a great deal of Sue & it may depend on trains Sunday being uncertain. no not any of them came.
Pa got stirred up over Sues dying & my cleaning house & not having his bowels work & so he was very restless last night, but does not want to take his fig or loosening medicine, as he should he is bound