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to wear out or another shock may terminate his career, but his general health seems good although he gets no outside exercise, he simply wont go when people can see him. so there you are.
I am clearing the things back of the little building off that low wall + carrying way down in the pasture, they cut down all the young trees + left it in the field + makes the pasture look slack, so a little more rubish added, may make them clear it away, I see by the Stoughton Sentinel Frank has got home.
Harris has not been to shave Pa today we have looked all day for him + I called Mrs. Harris up + told her at noon Pa expected him up to shave him, he had not been home then to his dinner so she said, I suppose he hates the job.
His face + neck are so poor, it must be a job to shave him without nicking him, seems as if he might do it himself, but he has no courage at all, he thinks he cant do any thing.
I got a letter from Lena to day fill of schoolmarm instructions. I dont wonder that Miss Garland + she dont hitch, she means well enough. but she carries it in the light that no one else is capable of any power of managing ones affairs, so she must tell them how + in the long run one gets sick of so much advise, we are not all fools by a dam site, good hearted she would do any thing for you, too bad to spoil it all even so does the baby seem pleased since she got home with her shells + things Ma