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on the trees + he thought the little mackintosh tree he could being into its own again so I told him to go ahead with the trees + do as he had a mind to just as though they were his. he felt bad for Pa + had always been to him for advice whenever he was puzzled about things + he always felt his judgement was a no one he was sorry he was used up now. I said he ought to have come to see him but did not want to excite him or make him any worse. I said twas too late now he did not see people as he could not talk very much + realized his condition. I see by his talk he is not busy + guess he intends to stay here with his family.

I think its hanging up the radio says rain or snow tonight. I have done all my shopping so there will be nothing more to bring up this week. I have got one fifty dollars in money in case I need it so thats enough to carry be along a good while.

Mystic met me this morning the other side of Jacks fish market. she says his mother looks bad she is very yellow + has no appetite. Perey works nights + sleeps days, down to the [[ruffer?]] plant he is a night hand [[best guess]] 

I met Frank Austin this morning he says Mabel is failing she's been ailing 15 years. poor thing. she has had a hard life + is the last girl alive in the family. theres nothing more I think of this time good luck to you all.

PS Pa is worrying me the heater the radiations when the get about so hot scare him + he wants me to shut them off but its the only heat we get from them + I let them go off them self when the temperatures is reached Ma