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I am glad your folks are over the grip & the baby or you two are not getting another dose, you have had your share of them this hitch. Ralph is having his house fixed up. I was in his office this forenoon paying my bank dues & he had not got down & it was long after nine o'clock.
Our radio says the armistice is about to be signed in the war between Japan & China. I shant believe it untill I know it to be a fact. they are such a treacherous race. well United States will stear clear of them this time I guess.
I am sorry Mrs Cutting is suffering again with her legs. I hoped it was a thing of the past. I sent off the cloth of Maudes for the little dresses she wanted me to make up to you, but dont bother her with them, if she is not feeling equal to it. they will keep if she dont have them right away, dont you think? I will have to write Lena an answer to her letter I told her not to come. Pa is too excitable to have her here & it would do no body any good & be extra work all around. I am going to listen in now to hear Andy & Amos & then turn in