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those marshmallows are harmless & he likes the homemade candy & has eaten it all up but one or two squares. he craves sweets

I have not seen or heard anything from Bruce yet, but guess he is good for making payment when he gets it. I have got plenty of money. tomorrow Drakes rent come he is prompt. always sure of it on the dot. dont you send any check. I have that great lot back of the book case to resort to anytime I come short. I have just paid for Dil & laid in a good stock of groceries this week. The Murphies take extra pains to be agreeable since that tree episode. C Welch sent Pa up a mug like the babies Parrot one Maude gave her. & told me to tell him this once full at a time, for a joke. I met him on the St. Jim Capen has just called to see Pa he is failing. Ruby brought him over. Mary is no better. he says Kanute is failing. losing his eyesight & miserable other ways. all alone making it worse. so the old folks are fading away. soon they are gone. Lottie Crane has just called up to know if I had heard of Jon Thompsons illness she has just been told about it. she has been sick 11 weeks poor thing well I guess this is enough gloom to tell you this time glad Mrs. Cutting is getting over her trip

Transcription Notes:
Edited several things on page. There was a Mrs. Cutting in their town. Kanute is correct, as is Jim Capen.