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Lured away from her family, but we will never how they feel about it, but they must be human. +I believe there exists in them all a terrible regret.
       Since noon the wind has started up + there is a chill. the therm is below freezing though, mild weather we know how to appreciate after what we have had.

I went up early to air our bedrooms + Pa was onto it + shut them down immediately. he is like the Capens they are afraid of air, like Henry Swan, and Mary Jane Wayland. Jack I guess is the same. Lina wants to heat all outdoors but theres a limit to everything I don't want her around in cold weather she is too expensive. I have not got your letter yet + its after three o'clock so I guess the mail came in late again. We have just been to supper. I made some creamed oysters Pa liked it. Ma