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I have not seen the little birds since this storm begun the poor little things must have suffered from hunger & cold. If it clears tomorrow & I go down the first thing I mean to do will be to get them some suit to tie on the trees for ???

I got a letter off to Lena yesterday & hope to hear from her to see what means to do. I think from what she wrote in the letter, that she is paying more than she wants to there where she is. I don't know how much she earns ??? papers she does not mention anything about it but she it cant be very much towards a living & she is one who likes a good bill of fare. she is a good hearted person but I cant have her now I wish she might get in with some one. Perhaps Mrs. Sims might like some one she lives there all alone by her self & Lena spoke of the place the last time she came out. well it is to bad to have no home to live in but there are some just the same & even worse in the world. 
