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Stoughton Dec 7th 1932

Dear Doris

This is a very sunny warm day with the wind to the south. I think it must have rained in some place but not here as the clear atmosphere + now the wind indicate it. I have been turning those two worn sheets that you sent home + they are about dry enough to iron and put away. on the line. They are flowering + I guess they will do to come in.

It seems too good a day to stay in the house, so I have just come in from hanging with some kindlins out side. Someone to ahead of those + on pleasant days, chop up a few at a time. Some I will have to carry down cellar to chop, after I saw them.

The sky is full of fleecy clouds, but as long as the wind is south it will remain warm. I am afraid it may get cold when the wind changes probably a cold wave before tomorrow night. I wish you could be out of that old building and get more of this pleasant sunshine + air its too bad to lose.
I tried to get a map after dinner but the wind rattled the window so bad it was no use so I got out
doors instead.