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takes him. his housekeeper is with he says for the winter. he thinks she seems to cook to suit him no one else could. 
    I went over to see Jims folks & found Mary pretty well used up she is all of a tremble dont sleeps nights & think Butu is there helping them. he dont have words & Jim is bad they wont last much longer. she will go first, they are both feeble. Mary always had the care of everything, Jim is easy going & Ruby like him, but she is their main stay. its going to rain before night & I will be [[ luelry ?? ]] to get my clothes day. seems to be clouding up & growing damps. & am going up stairs to lie down. Pa is so uneasy & dont sleep. but the rest does me just as much good. 
    Talbot said a single woman he guessed an old maid. rode over on the car with him from Needham. she came to see the Jessie Homes house & seemed interested in finding a place suitable for turning it in to a home for aged women. he had some conversation with her & he might have been the one who recommended the Blake place. he did not say. I surmised it as he seemed to know all about it. well hope you are out this cloudy day. did the aprons come through all right? I sent them first of the week & were they satisfactory? we dont need any more bed blankets at present at last. Ma