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Endorsement on the communication of A.S. Alden 
Agent Sub District Port Gibson dated Port Gibson
Sept. 12th, 1867; asks permission on account of
yellow fever and not being acclimated to go to
the country somewhere near Port Gibson where
he could just as well attend to his business
as at Port Gibson until the fever is at an end. 

Bureau Refugees, Freedmen &c.
Office Asst. Commissioner for Miss.
Vicksburg Sept 17. 1867.

Respectfully returned to Mr. A S. Alden
Port Gibson Miss., - It is not deemed expedient to grant the request. - There is a large number of colored people in and around Port Gibson. - If disease prevails there, they will be in need of the advice and assistance of the Agent. - To flee from disease would not be setting a commendable example to the freedmen, whose circumstances

Transcription Notes:
A. S. Alden - found on Freedmen's Bureau staff page.