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Head Quarters Sub. Dist. Corinth
Bureau R. F. and A. L.
Corinth, Miss, Septr 3d 1867.

H. N. Smith.
Bvt. Lt. Col. A. A. Genl.
Vicksburg. Miss

I have the honor to state that on relieving Lt. John D. Moore, as Sub Ass't Commissioner at this point, I found the Office entirely destitute of furniture of any kind. Lieut Moore's Vouchers having been disapproved at your Office, as he informed me, for the furniture purchased and Paid for by him, it was disposed of, leaving the Office without a Desk, Table, or Chairs, for the proper transaction of business.

I respectfully request to be informed if I am authorized to purchase the necessary furniture, and if so, at what cost. It is impossible to obtain it here, either by purchase, or manufacture.

Very Respy Your Obdt Servant,
Geo. S. Smith
Capt VRC. Bvt Maj Sub. Asst Commr