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Date | Object | Page
Jan. 20, 1891 | Meas. of Espin's new var. DM.+53° 2684 | 78,80,
Jan. 24, 1891 | Meas. of Comparison Stars for Victoria | 81,89
Jan. 27, 1891 | Exam. of Spectrum of R Scuti. (For J.E. Espin). | 85,87
Jan. 27, 1891 | Meas. of C398 for add. lines | 85.
Jan. 28, 1891 | Exam. of Spectrum of R Coronae | 87
Feb. 2, 1891  | Meas. of Enlargements of Typical bright line spectra | 90
* | Magnitudes to be used for 20 DM stars fainter than 7.0 in obtaining constant for reduction of measures of var. stars. | 92
[[strikethrough]]Feb. 3, 1891| Measure of M.P.441 Summary (copied from p.318) | 93[[/strikethrough]]
Feb. 18, 1891 |Meas. of Espin's new var. in Auriga 5326 +31 57 (1855) | 95,96,139
Feb. 20, 1891 | Determination of focal length of photographic doublets from four pairs of circumpolar polar stars | 97
Feb. 26, 1891 | Meas. of position of var. stars in 5M Librae and other star near cluster | 98
March 13 1891 | Meas. of Plate C.1269 spectrum opposite standard light square to identify measures of ultraviolet end. | 99
March 30 1891 | Meas. of DM -12° 1172 Planetary Nebula New | 100,101
March 30 1891 | Summary of DM -12° 1172 | 102,108,109
March 30 1891 | Meas. of Espin's suspected var. (4h 26.9m +65° 53' 1855) | 103,104
March 30 1891 | Meas. of Espin's suspected var. DM +68° 368 | 104,142,150
March 30 1891 | Meas. of Espin's suspected var. DM +68° 398 | 105,140,151
March 31 1891 | Meas. of Espin's suspected var. DM +57° 258 | 106
April 1 1891  | Meas. of comparison star "C" used for Espin's suspected var. DM +68° 368 | 107
April 24 1891 | Star used to determine focal length of 15in reflector | 110
June 3 1891   | [[Pobs Frec?]] focal length of 11in Draper Tel. | 111
April 28 1891 | Meas. of position of DM +33° 1911 | 112,118
May 12 1891   | Meas. of spectra in Pleiades for comp. | 114,115,116,117,184,185,186,187,18,189,190,191
May 27 1891   | Meas. of brightness of DM +33° 1911 | (arrow pointing towards '112, 118' two lines above)118,112
June 15 1891  | Measures of new var. in Sagittarius (No.2) | 120,123
June 15 1891  | Meas. for pos. of new br. line sp. (13h 36.3m -66° 55' 1900) | 124
June 15 1891  | Meas. for pos. of new br. line sp. Z.C.15h 934 (15h 15.8m -62° 19' 1900) | 124,
June 29 1891  | Meas. of reversal of lines in beta Lyrae | 125
July 14 1891  | Meas. of New Var. in Lacerta. DM +39° 4851 22 | 126,127
July 17 1891  | Meas. of New Var. in Caelum. (4h 37.1m -38° 26') | 152,153