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[[underlined]] Contents [[/underlined]] 

Date | Object | Page                       
Sept.4, 1891 | Espin's suspected var. DM +38° 2412 | 156
Oct. 26, 1891 | Mr. W.M.Reed's suspected var. DM +14° 719 | 157
Nov. 23, 1891 | Stars not in DM | 158
Jan. 7, 1892 | D.M. +53° 379 IV Type Susp. var. | 159 (see p. 45)
Jan. 14, 1892 | D.M. +57° 99 | 160  
Jan. 23, 1892 | Espin's Vars. Astron. Nach. Vol.128 p235 | 161
Jan. 29, 1892 | Suspected var (Approx 1900) 23h 44.0m -42° 54' | 163
Jan. 29, 1892 | Suspected var Pl. 6570 taken in Peru z (?) 615 | 163
Feb. 3, 1892 | Nova Aurigae | 164,165,166,167,168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175
Feb. 23, 1892 | Copy from Plate cover of C4461 | 176
March 1, 1892 | Nova Aurigae (Continued) | 177, 178, 179, 180, 182, 183, 192
March 25, 1892 | Determination of focus of 3 1/2 inch doublet used as model for Bruce Telescope | 193
March 25, 1892 | Nova Aurigae (Continued) | 194,195,196,198,199,200,201,202,203,204,205,206,207,208,209,210,211
March 31, 1892 | Scale meas. of sep. of K line in   Ursae Maj. | 197
April 19, 1892 | Meas. of Plate X276 to deter. focus of 13in Boyden Telescope | 212,213
Aug 30, 1892 | Espin's susp. var. DM +55° 1870 | 214,215