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[[underlined]]April 1, 1890.[[/underlined]]

Measurements of DM + 48° 2942, suspected of variability and proper motion.

Position estimated in min. and tenths, in regard to DM + 48° 4941 and 4943.

|   | Plate B 1971 ^ [[Dec. 1, 18[[strikethrough]]7[[/strikethrough]]87]] | Br. | Plate I907 |
| Oct. 19573^[[Muhr.]]8.9 | DM + 48°[[strikethrough]]4[[/strikethrough]]2941 80+^[[x]]220-^[[y]]490  x = R.a. y = Dec. | 6.1 | A 6.4
| 19577 7 | W.S. + 48° [[strikethrough]]4[[/strikethrough]]2942 7.1 + 180 - 015 475 | 7.1 | M4 ^[[6.1)]] 6.6)
| 1957881 7.8 | 48° [[strikethrough]]4[[/strikethrough]]2943 8.0 + 155 + 185 170 | 6.0 | F 6.7
|First star meas. not in D.M. | 48° [[strikethrough]]4[[/strikethrough]] 2938 9.2 | 7.47[[strikethrough]].6[[/strikethrough]] | A? 7.8

|   | Plate B 1947 Nov. 30. 18[[strikethrough]]7[[/strikethrough]]87 |   |
|   | DM + 48 [[strikethrough]]4[[/strikethrough]]2941 8.0 + 240 - 580 | 6.5
|   | W.S. + 48 [[strikethrough]]4[[/strikethrough]]2942 7.1 + 200 - 105 475 | 75
|   | 48 [[strikethrough]]4[[/strikethrough]]2943 8.0 + 170 + 100 195 | 6.3
| First star meas. not in D.M. | 48 [[strikethrough]]4[[/strikethrough]]2938 9.2 | 7.7 [[strikethrough]]8.0[[/strikethrough]]

April 8th, 1890 Wrong star measured for DM+48° 2942 which is as variable and extremely faint on ^[[B]] Plates 1947 and 1971. It appears quite bright on I Plate and the hydrogen lines G, h, are bright in its spectrum.