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[[underlined]]Sept. 20, 1890.[[/underlined]]

W Hydrae (Sawyer 1888)
Measurements of New Variable in Hydrae. A.G.C.

[[3 columned table]]
|Focus very poor|Plate B 5308 L[[subscript]]1[[/subscript]] taken|
|   |265|   |
|   |6.6|   |
|   |3.[[strikethrough]]3[[/strikethrough]]4|   |
[[end table]]

[[3 columned table]]
|Images Near edge of Plate|Plate B 3791 I[[subscript]]1[[/subscript]] taken|Plate B 3791 I[[subscript]]1[[/subscript]] taken|
|   |285|   |
|   |7.1|   |
|   |2.9|   |
[[end table]]

[[3 columned table]]
|Near edge of plate|Plate B 3725 H taken|
|   |268|   |
|   |6.7|   |
|   |3.3|   |
[[end table]]

Plate 3402 taken   . On this plate the images are badly elongated and cannot be compared with the scale. The variable star is about 1 magnitude fainter than comparison star "c"