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October 16, 1890. 

Meas. of M.P. 44[[strikethrough]]0[[/strikethrough]]1 (continued)  

Plate I 951 Taken April 5, 1890

[[3 columned table]]
|s. var|8.8|10.9|
|[[strikethrough]]10.5[[/strikethrough]]11.09 [[underlined]]c|8.6[[/underlined]]|10.7|
|   |253|   |
|   |84[[strikethrough]]8.4[[/strikethrough]]|   | 
[[strikethrough]] 10.5 [[/strikethrough]] 11.09 
|   |21 2.1|   |

Plate I989 taken April 11, 1890
[[4 columned table]]
|s. var|9.0|[[strikethrough]]11.0[[/strikethrough]]11.1|
|10.99 [[underlined]]c|8.9[[/underlined]]|[[strikethrough]]10.9[[/strikethrough]]|11.0|
|10.5|257|   |   |
|   |[[strikethrough]]8.5[[/strikethrough]]8.4|   |   |
|   |[[strikethrough]]2.0[[/strikethrough]]  2.1|   |   |

Plate I1023 taken April 16, 1890.
[[4 columned table]]
|s. var|8.8|[[strikethrough]]11.0[[/strikethrough]]|11.1|
|11.09 [[underlined]]c|8.6[[/underlined]]|[[strikethrough]]10.8[[/strikethrough]]|10.9|
|   |250|   |   |
|   |[[strikethrough]]8.3[[/strikethrough]]8.2|   |   |
|   |[[strikethrough]]2.2[[/strikethrough]]2.3|   |   |

Plate I1120 taken May 2, 1890
Useless, completely fogged.