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October 16, 1890.

Meas of New Variable in Triang. (Continued
Plate I417 taken 2 Dec. 31, 1889.
[[4 columned table]]
  2[[strikethrough]]91[[strikethrough]]|   |   |
|   |[[strikethrough]]7.3[[strikethrough]]|   |   |
|   |[[strikethrough]]1.7[[strikethrough]]6.8|   |   |
|   |12|   |   |
[[right margin]]
7.17 7.09=7.13 04 [[underlined]]04[[/underlined]] 
[[strikethrough]]7.48 7.40=7.44 04 [[underlined]]04[[/underlined]][[/strikethrough]]
[[strikethrough]]7.32 7.27=7.30 02 [[underlined]]03[[/underlined]][[/strikethrough]]
[[/right margin]]
[[end table]]

Plate I1875 taken Sept 25, 1890.
Near edge of plate; images very poor & [[strikethrough]]badly[[/strikethrough]]very much elongated.  
[[4 column table]]
|8.0|256|   |   |
|   |6.4|   |   |
|   |[[strikethrough]]2.6[[/strikethrough]]1.6|   |   |
[[right margin]]
7.17 6.79=6.98
[[strikethrough]]7.48 7.10=7.29 19 19[[strikethrough]]
[[strikethrough]]7.32 6.97=7.14 18 [[underlined]]17[[/underlined]][[strikethrough]]
[[/right margin]]
[[end table]]

[[3 columned table]]
|Plate B1841|taken Nov. 7, 1887|Approx. Magn. 75|
|Plate B2192|taken Jan. 16, 1888|Approx. Magn. 9.2  See page 47|
|Plate BI417|taken Dec. 31, 1889|Approx. Magn. 7.1|
|Plate B1875|taken Sept. 25, 1890|Approx. Magn. 6.8|
|Plate B1981|taken Oct. 13, 1890|Approx. Magn. 7.3|
|Plate B2000|taken Oct. 15, 1890|Approx. Magn. 7.2|
|Plate B2005|taken Oct. 17 1890|Approx. Magn. 7.1|
[[end table]]