Viewing page 47 of 235

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[[underlined]]October 21, 1980[[/underlined]]

Meas. of DM. + 33° 470 (see p. 32)

Plate I2005 taken

[[4 columned table]]
|8.0|261|   |
|   |6.5|   |
|   |1.5|   |
[[end table]]

[[right margin]]
[[strikethrough]]7.58 7.30 7.44 14 [[underlined]]14[[/underlined]]
|7.02 7.30 .27 .[[underlined]]28[[/underlined]][[/strikethrough]]
7.70 - 7.30  [[strikethrough]]7.57 6.05 = 6.81 .76 .[[underlined]]76[[/underlined]][[/strikethrough]]
7.50 20 [[underlined]]20[[/underlined]]
7.39 6.99 = 7.19 20 [[underlined]]20[[/underlined]]
[[/right margin]]

Meas of M.P. 441 (See p. 30).
Plate I2006 taken

[[4 columned table]]
|[[strikethrough]]e[[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]]c[[/strikethrough]]|8.7|[[strikethrough]]10.7[[/strikethrough]]|10.9|
|10.5|253|   |   |
|[[strikethrough]]4.69 9.52[[/strikethrough]]|8.5|8.3|   |
|   |2.0|2.2|   | 
[[end table]]